Aftercare instructions
for Fineline Tattoos

Fineline tattoos heal much faster compared to traditional tattoos, and I’ve never had a customer experience healing issues with their fine-line tattoo. However, there are still some guidelines you should follow:

If a film has been applied to your tattoo, it should stay on for at least 3 hours. After this, you can remove the film, wash the tattoo with mild, fragrance-free soap, and gently remove all blood and plasma. Let it air dry or pat it gently with a clean towel. If you’re unable to wash it after 3 hours, the film can stay on for a longer period, but it’s best to remove it after 3 hours to allow the skin to breathe and begin healing.

For the first 3 days, do NOT apply any cream to your tattoo. Just let it air dry and take care of itself. Make sure to keep it clean by washing it when you shower or if it gets dirty. Avoid using any creams during this time.

After 3 days, you can start applying a thin layer of Panthenol cream or tattoo cream in the morning and evening. Use as thin a layer as possible to allow the skin to breathe; applying too much cream can slow down the healing process. Continue applying cream until your tattoo stops shining.

A scab will typically form after a few days. Let it fall off naturally. If you pick or scrape the scab off prematurely, it could pull the pigment out of the skin.

You can remain active and exercise, but avoid activities or exercises that could cause the scab to crack or fall off prematurely, or where there’s a risk of accidentally scraping the scab off.

For Small Tattoos (Under 5x5 cm)
If your tattoo is small and you’re not planning to get more tattoos soon, cream might not be necessary. Small fine-line tattoos heal very quickly and can heal well without cream. It might feel excessive to buy a large tube of Panthenol cream for a small tattoo. However, cream can generally speed up the healing process slightly.

*If your tattoo is small (under 5x5 cm) and you’re not planning to get more tattoos in the near future, cream can be skipped. Small fine-line tattoos heal very quickly and can heal perfectly fine without cream. It might feel unnecessary to buy a large tube of Panthenol cream for a small tattoo. However, cream does generally speed up the healing process slightly.

Likewise, I would avoid tight or rough clothing that might damage the scab on your tattoo.

It is important to avoid the following for 2 weeks after getting your tattoo:

  • Tanning beds
  • Sun exposure
  • Saunas
  • Pools
  • Seawater
  • Long baths

If you’re going out in the sun, your tattoo must be covered. This can be done either with high-factor sunscreen (50+) or with clothing.

After 4–6 weeks, your tattoo should be healed enough to determine whether a touch-up is needed. One touch-up is always included in the price within 3 months.

Your tattoo should be fully healed after a couple of months.

If you have any questions during the healing process, feel free to contact me via email or DM on Instagram. I usually respond faster on Instagram.

Aftercare Instructions for Second Skin (Dermalize)

If Second Skin/Dermalize is applied to your tattoo, the process is a bit different. It should stay on for 3–5 days, ideally 5 days, but no longer.

The bandage is waterproof, so you can shower without issue. However, I recommend waiting 3–4 hours before getting the area wet, ideally until the next morning. This allows the adhesive to set better, increasing the likelihood that it stays in place for the full 5 days.

It’s normal for the area under the bandage to appear a bit cloudy or bloody, as the skin releases some blood and plasma. This is fine, and the bandage should stay on. However, if you notice that blood or fluid is leaking from underneath the bandage, remove it immediately and wash the area with mild, fragrance-free soap. This means the barrier is broken, and bacteria could potentially enter.

The same applies if the bandage is peeling off halfway or if the barrier is compromised in any way. In such cases, remove it immediately.

If the bandage is still in place after 5 days, or if you want to remove it earlier, take a shower and slowly peel it off under warm water. Wash the area immediately with mild, fragrance-free soap.

If the bandage stays on your tattoo for at least 3 days, there’s no need to apply cream afterward. The bandage speeds up the healing process for your fine-line tattoo to the extent that cream is usually unnecessary.

Therefore, I recommend making an active effort to ensure the bandage stays in place for at least 3 days.

This includes avoiding activities or exercises where there is a risk of the bandage being scraped off prematurely. The same applies to very tight-fitting clothing.

If the bandage falls off before 3 days have passed, I recommend letting the tattoo air dry for 2 days and then applying a thin layer of Panthenol cream morning and evening.

If the bandage becomes very irritating or you show signs of an allergic reaction, remove it immediately.

It is important to avoid the following for 2 weeks after getting your tattoo:

  • Tanning beds
  • Sun exposure
  • Saunas
  • Pools
  • Seawater
  • Long baths

If you need to be in the sun, your tattoo must be covered—either with high-factor sunscreen (50+) or clothing.

After 4–6 weeks, your tattoo should be healed enough to determine whether a touch-up is needed. One touch-up is always included in the price within 3 months.

Your tattoo should be fully healed after a couple of months.

If you have any questions during the healing process, feel free to contact me via email or DM on Instagram. I usually respond faster on Instagram.