
It’s always important to look at their healed work. That’s the only thing that truly reflects their technical skill. I strongly advise against getting tattooed by someone who doesn’t showcase their healed work.

A tattoo should look good over time, not just right after it’s been done. It’s no secret that small fine-line tattoos generally heal less predictably than traditional tattoos.

I make it a priority to be as transparent as possible about my work.

I want people to know what kind of results they can realistically expect when they get a tattoo from me.

Most small fine-line tattoos aren’t perfect after the first session and often require a touch-up (which is, of course, always included in my price) to achieve perfection.

Most of the photos you see under "healed tattoos" are without touch-ups. So, this is what you can expect initially.

Below, you’ll find some examples of tattoos I’ve done.
You can see more of my work on Facebook and Instagram.